English STD 4 leson1:-The Four Musicians

 Answer each question ☺

1.Give the name of the four animals characters in the story?

Answer:-The four animals characters in the story are a donkey an old dog a toothless old cat and cock.

2.The animals had left their home.why?

Answer:- The animals had left their home because they where too old to work and their owners were going to kill them.

3.How did the animals find a place to stay for the night?

Ans:-The cock flew to the top of a tree and looked around to find some place for them to spend the night.👍

4.What did the donkey see when he peeped through the window?

Ans:-When the donkey peeped through the window he saw a gang of a robber sitting around the table.

5.How did the animals frighten the robbers away?

Ans .The four friend started to sing and the noise was horrible that the robbers left all their food and gold and ran away at once .

6.What did the animals do after the robbers had ran away?

Ans.The animals ate the food that the robbers had left behind and lay down for a good night sleep after the robbers had ran away.

7.Where did they lie down to sleep?

Ans.The donkey lay down on the strow at the yard ,The dog lay down by the front door, The cat lay down in front of the fireplace and the cock perched on a high wall 

8.Why did the leader of the robbers send a man back to the house?

Ans.The leader of the robbers send a man to chake out the house. If it was safe they could go back to get their gold.

9. Why did the robbers decide to forget about the gold they had left in the house ?

Ans. When the man got back to the forest he told the robbers how horrible it had been.

10. Why did the four animals never go to the city?

Ans. The four animals living there and they felt so happy and comfortable in their home so they never went to the city.👍



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