Sci :-STD 4 leson 1 Life and survival of plants

 Question and answer 

Life and survival of plants 

State board

Q6:-Short answer type questions 

a) Define adaptation.

Ans.Adaptation are those characteristics that allow a plant or an animal to live in a specific environment.

b)Why does tape grass have narrow and thin leaves?

Ans. Tape grass is a under water plant so in order to offer least resistance to water current. That's why tape grass have narrow and thin leaves

C)write two adaptations of desert plant?

Ans. Adaptation of desert plants

 1. plant in desert have either no leaves or very few leaves to prevent water loss from the surface of leaves

2.Thick fleshy stem can store water

D)what are breathing roots?

Ans.The roots of the plants growing in marshes are unable to get  air  therefore, the roots of these plants come out of water and  soil to breath such roots are called breathing roots.

Q7 Long answer type questions                        

a) What are the four categories of terrestrial planets? Describe their adaptations with one example each 

Ans.Terrestrial plants are categorised into four types:-

1.plants in deserts

Plant in desert have either no leaves or very few leaves to prevent water loss from the surface of leaves ex:-cactus 

2.plant in marshes

Marshy places have sticky and clayey soil and plenty of water the roots of the plants growing in marshes are unable to get air 


3.plant in hills

In hilly areas the temperature is very low plants are adapted to withstand the harsh cold environment 


4.plant in plains

The climate in plains is neither too hot nor too cold they receive moderate rainfall this plants thin and broad leaves so that they can capture a lot of sunlight to make their food 

Ex:- mango

b) How do parasitic plants derive their food? Explain with example.

Ans. Parasitic plants are plants that get all or part of their nutrients from other plants.some plants can only photosynthesis partially and thus cannot produce all of their food

Ex cuscuta is also known as amarbel.

C) What are the main difference between terrestrial and aquatic plants?

Ans . Terrestrial planets:-

1.they grow on land .

2 .they need medium or very few water to grow 

3.leaves do not have waxy coating except hilly area plant

4.they have stomata

5.they have well developed roots.

Aquatic plants:-

1.they grow in water 

2. They need lots of water to grow 

3.leaves have waxy coating 

4.some plants do not have stomata 

5.their roots are not well developed.


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